About Victoria Thompson, LCSW

You face every morning with the thought ” I can’t get out of bed”. Facing the day seems like too much right now. But you peel yourself out of bed anyway, because you know you HAVE to get going …. You have to do all the “things” to make the world function for the humans in your life, but somedays it feels like too much.

How Does Everyone Else Seem So Happy?

You feel lonely and wish you could talk to someone. You try to make friends, but it seems you’re much more excited about them than they are about you and somehow it never really works out. You check your Facebook and Instagram hoping that maybe there is some chance of connection or something to help you relate but usually with no reward. You feel crappy as you see the pictures of people you don’t really connect with and how great their life seems.

You Try So Hard, But You Still Feel So Bad

You turn on the podcasts, the audiobooks, but no matter how many you listen to you just cannot get yourself to make a change. You think this shouldn’t be that hard. I should know what to do and yet you still don’t make any change. Your family, friends, your work you do everything you can to make their life better, but it doesn’t seem to make you any happier. In fact, the constant thoughts of I am not enough, I am a failure are triggering you and now you find yourself fighting the urge to get back in bed.

You Aren’t Sure If Anyone Can Really Help

You wish that you could talk to someone about this, someone who understands but how do you find that person. Sometimes you think maybe therapy could help, but then you talk yourself out of it. What if you invest all that time, energy, and money, and you still feel like you do now. But, then you kick yourself for not trying.

My Name is Victoria, and I help depressed women like you every day

My name is Victoria and I help women of all ages who are struggling with the belief they are enough. I specialize in helping women who feel intense deep emotions of overwhelm, and enormous feelings of inadequacy, to fully embrace and accept their full self, let go of the negative beliefs that hold them back, and embrace their true self, while learning strategies to cope with the emotion from depression and anxiety.

Therapy With Me Will be Authentic Playful and Transformative

We will develop a working relationship that feels more like a friendship. It will be playful, deep, meaningful, and unique to meet your needs. We work together through connection, tears, and grit to help discover the parts of yourself that need to heal and be loved. You can expect connection, compassion, humor, welcome imperfection, and a level of support that you won’t find anywhere else.

Your Recipe to Feel Better

My unique skill set and authentic therapy approach provide the perfect recipe to help you through the self-doubt and negative thoughts you have faced your whole life and gets you to a new place with skills to manage your thoughts and feelings, healing from your internal dialogue and new practice of love and self-acceptance for yourself.

Time to Take That First Baby Step- Let’s Chat.

If you are ready to feel understand and good about your life if you are ready to finally feel like yourself then contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation email, text or call at victoria@mindfulconnection stherapists.com or 801-628-6397 and get ready to transform your life into a life worth living.